We design all our Workshops keeping class sizes small to easily accommodate different capabilities. Collaboration and group discussion are a very important part of our Workshop structure and each participant is treated as an important contributor to each creative process. We are all (mostly) social creatures and age seems no barrier to the sharing of common interests & often innovative interactions that transpire throughout our workshops.

Drawing is any mark deliberately made onto a surface....

  • School Holiday Workshops



Welcome to the Wonderful days of Winter!

Come join me for a week of Workshops inside the warmth of the Gallery Space, at the Addison Road Community Centre, where we’ll create Wonders in WHITE, compose our very own Insect Encyclopedia, make lots of Make-Believe Mushrooms, draw our way through A Little Book of Brilliant little Birds and, for the older kids, step into a world of your own where World Building allows you to explore drawing and empire building all in the same day! This July we’ll be keeping cozy by keeping creative.

Wonders in WHITE

Step into a world of White Wonder. In this workshop we’ll explore & experiment with how white can work wonders to draw in a way you might never have tried … through some magnificent mark making and magical mediums you’ll be amazed at how this special shade can tell a drawing story without the help of colour! Using different approaches, papers and pencils we’ll produce a spectacular specimen of monochrome magnificence much more adventurous than a polar bear in a blizzard. .

Ages 5+

Monday 15th July 10:00 - 4:00

Insect Encyclopedia

Bringing together, a little research and a lot of close observation in this Workshop you will draw your very own Insect Encyclopedia. We’ll spend the day exploring the best ways to capture these mini beasts through different drawing approaches in a myriad of mediums creating a pocket guide to take with you whenever you step into the out. With a focus on colour this foray into Entomology is bound to brighten any Winter’s day.

Ages 5+

Tuesday 16th July 10:00 - 4:00

My Make-Believe Mushrooms

Taking inspiration from the wonderful world of the mushroom, & the art of the Japanese contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama, we will work with colour, form, pattern, repetition and composition to create a world of make-believe mushrooms in all sorts of combinations. Works worthy of gracing the pages of any fantastical fungi fact finder. As they pop-up & pop-out of the page it’s true that all eyes will be drawn to the delightful decoration of the dot.

Ages 5+

Wednesday 17th July 10:00 - 4:00

A Little Book of Brilliant Little Birds

Sometimes the little ones can go unseen as they forage through the foliage, lunge through the leaf litter, or teeter on a twig, but NOT today, today is all about celebrating the small and giving these brilliant little birds a book all their own to show our appreciation. We’ll look at some of the smallest birds we share our parks, gardens & bush walks with and create a mini magical avian world drawn from explorations & experiments with mark making & mediums.

Ages 5+

Thursday 18th July 10:00 - 4:00

World Building

Who doesn’t want the power to build their own world? Well in this Workshop you will (on paper at least). We’ll use a variety of inspired drawing approaches to create a mini oasis or mega metropolis (or something in-between) looking at how we can draw from the everyday to construct environments that tell the story of the kind of world we would want to live in. Perhaps it will be full of fun factories, ludicrous libraries & bizarre buildings, gigantic galleries (or galleries for the gigantic) mad museums or pom-pom parks? We’ll take tips from one of my favourite books, A World of Your Own, by one on my favourite author/illustrators, Laura Carlin, & let our pencils go wild. It is said you are only limited by your imagination & in this workshop there are no limits!

Image from: A World of Your Own, by Laura Carlin, Phaidon

This Workshop is specifically designed for older kids and is the perfect way to experiment with different types of drawing & drawing mediums.

Ages 10+

Friday 19th July 10:00 - 4:00